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22nd August 2024

I am 75 years old and have experienced palpitations since my 20s. They slowly got worse, sometimes lasting 1and half hours or more. Leaving me exhausted and weak. I underwent ablation in November 2022 as advised by Dr Rlyaz Kaba who performed the procedure. It was a complete success. He turned my life around and I feel great. Dr Kaba is a kind, sympathetic and understanding Doctor. I feel blessed to have been under his care. Many, many thanks Dr Kaba.

12th June 2023

Earlier this year I had a hybrid ablation under the care of Dr Kaba, Dr Ahmed and Dr Momin and I want sing the praises of the entire team at ASPH and St George’s. Everything was explained clearly and I was treated with the greatest care and respect both during and after both procedures. It has made a such positive impact on my daily life and given me the confidence to once again live life to the full. If it wasn’t for such dedicated individuals I’m sure many people would sadly not be given the chance to improve their quality of life. I am and will remain forever grateful to have been lucky enough to be under the care of such caring and kind professionals.

10th September 2021

Dr Kaba and his team gave me outstanding care . He explained my condition and the procedure very well and I felt totally safe in his hands. He gave me great pre care and after care, and treated me with great respect and dignity. The procedure has made a big difference to me and I am eternally grateful to him and his team

2nd June 2021

Dr Kaba literally saved me and has given me a new lease of life. I can’t thank him and his team enough. Happy to put my life in his hands. Felt so well looked after and my treatment was fantastic.

18th August 2020

I had few consultation for my infrequent SVT he is excellant caring , approachable , listen , very good in explaining the condition , discuss the options of management well , smile , tolerate my frequent questions and requests he is great many thanks to him


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